Activities > Young Artists in Action > Text











Street art action





"That art has no boundaries, shows the graffiti in Pristina which was created by artists from Belgrade and Pristina.

Young artists and participants of program “Serbia and Kosovo: Intercultural Icebreakers” TKV, Lortek and TAK have shown us that a common language between Serbs and Albanians is very much there, and it could actually be positive.

It also shows that the relationship between the two countries is much deeper than what we get from the mainstream media.

While in the media we can only see what is happening in Brussels between our politicians, beneath the surface you can see people who get together and work together to create fantastic art that goes unnoticed.

Below hatred and propaganda that we are constantly placed are friendship and art, positive energy and desire to communicate.

Good things are there, we just need to try harder to see them."

Participants of the program “Serbia and Kosovo: Intercultural Icebreakers - 2015”













































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