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The Balkans threat: Vučić and his authoritarian regime

Prof. dr Srđan Darmanović, Founder and Board member of CEDEM

14 September 2021, CEDEM



The forceful inauguration of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Cetinje Monastery once again has, alongside prior regional incidents and indicators, shown that there will be no political stability in the Western Balkans, and perhaps no lasting peace, as long as the regime of Aleksandar Vučić is in power in Belgrade.

The Cetinje incident from September 4th and 5th will have various and far-reaching consequences on Montenegro’s domestic politics as well as in the Montenegrin society.

When and if the emotions subside, all the domestic actors involved: the current government, the current opposition (former government), the Serbian Church, political leaders on both sides, as well as church dignitaries, have yet to reassess and discern what was won and lost in this crises-ridden and critical political and societal incident. Then, depending on their evaluations of the events, they are likely to determine their future strategies.

There is, however, one “external” factor and actor about whom something must be said. The forceful inauguration of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Cetinje Monastery once again has, alongside prior regional incidents and indicators, demonstrated that there will be no political stability in the Western Balkans, and perhaps no lasting peace, as long as the regime of Aleksandar Vučić is in power in Belgrade.

In order for this conclusion to not be just another political claim, it is necessary to consider what kind of a regime is under discussion, and why its prolonged existence causes troubles and will cause even greater ones in the future for the region that we inhabit.





Aleksandar Vučić is a continuation of a ruling pattern which, with certain short-term interruptions, has been dominant in Serbian history for almost the last century and a half. As early as a young doctoral student in Germany, Zoran Djindjic described this pattern saying that one of the pillars of Serbian conservatism was the idea and practice of “a people’s state with a people’s party as a social glue.” He certainly had in mind the long rule of Nikola Pasic and his radicals, Tito and the Communist Party in Yugoslavia (and Serbia), and, of course, Slobodan Milosevic and the SPS, whom Đinđić ultimately overthrew in the year 2000.

Đinđić believed it was his mission to change this pattern and make Serbia a more modern and democratic state. Even after his tragic death, the reforms he initiated provided that, despite the turbulent political scene, order in Serbia until 2012 functioned within some sort of minimal democratic standards.





From the moment the former regime parties took power again in the 2012 elections and Aleksandar Vučić, firstly de facto, and quickly de jure, became the new leader of the country, the historical clock had been brought back to the “natural state” within Serbian politics, the very thing Đinđić wanted to change – “a people’s state with a people’s party as a social glue.”

Since then, and nota bene, since the 2014 elections in Serbia, under Vučić has been (re)established an order which, however you may call it, is certainly not democratic.

Observing all the important characteristics, it can actually be deemed a neo-Milosevic regime, adapted to function in the 21st century.

Dušan Pavlović, professor at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, in his impressive article on the political economy of Vučić’s rule, calls this regime a system of “extractive institutions”, i.e., an order in which everything is subordinated for the pursuit of public finances and the withdrawal of money from large state businesses and affairs in order to keep control of the most important institutions that guarantee long-term rule – those being the electoral process, the media, and the judicial system. [1]

Regimes in which a multiparty game exists, but the field on which the game is played as well as the conditions under which the game takes place are not leveled, but rather adapted to only one player, represent the typical feature of modern undemocratic rule.

In the political science, these kinds of regimes are more commonly referred to as “competitive authoritarianism” (Levitsky-Way) [2]or “electoral authoritarianism” (Schedler) [3].





This type of regime, established once before in 1990s under Milošević by means and ways of one classical “hardware” dictator, has been restored, revived, adapted and strengthened with the coming to power of Aleksandar Vučić. Many techniques of the rule typical of Milošević’s era are also used by Vučić, who by the way was part of that era serving as Milošević’s Minister of Information. Vučić’s use of these techniques are though adapted to suit an autocrat of the digital era through various “software” means.

Vučić entered his authoritarian phase, which still lasts today, during the parliamentary elections in 2014, and since then, he has turned the key institution of a democratic society – free and fair elections – into a mere means of legitimizing his authoritarian rule.

Dieter Nohlen, one of the most known researchers and authors on elections in the world, established long ago that, in addition to the above mentioned legitimizing role, the function of elections in authoritarian regimes is to: secure internal political calmness; contribute to the acquisition of a reputation from external actors; at least partially integrate the opposition into the system and make adjustments within government structures and thus contribute to stabilizing the regime. [4]

All these elements are represented in Vučić’s regime. Elections taking place are marked by the aggressiveness towards voters displayed from the activists of his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Intimidation, corruption, ballot manipulation and the deafening noise of a huge number of media obedient to him have become standard, and the situation has been deteriorating from election to election.

The way Vučić understands the electoral process and how it serves him is probably best evidenced by the fact that following the example of his autocratic predecessor Slobodan Milošević and in the putinesque stile, Vučić since the 2012 elections, including the 2017 presidential elections, has never in any televised debate met and juxtaposed arguments with any opponent or member of the opposition. [5]

In the election process, he descends exclusively from the Olympic heights of absolute power and leads several-hour long monologues in front of the cameras in the media he controls. Something like this is unthinkable in a democratic society and is always a safe indicator that something is wrong with the regime at place.

The degradation of institutions that should be pillars of a democratic society under Vučić has reached the point that the central institution of democracy – the Parliament (the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia) now has comparisons only with the Russian Duma in Moscow and the Belarussian Parliament in Minsk, as there, as well as in Belgrade, take place only MPs from the ruling parties or their satellites and like-minded people.

A similar situation cannot be found elsewhere in Europe, except in these three countries. The same degradation experienced the Government of Serbia which is, according to the Constitution, the center of executive power, i.e., the body that should lead the country’s foreign and domestic policy. However, like in Milošević’s time, constitutional hypocrisy here is at work as the Serbian government whoever is the prime minister serves only as the executive body of the President of the Repubic and follows his commands regardless of the fact that head of stats has relatively weak powers according to the Serbian Constitution.





Authoritarian regimes, although per definitionem being prone to violence and potentially dangerous to their environment or even beyond, do not necessarily need to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. Josip Broz Tito with his non-alignment, Juan Peron in Argentina, Franco after the Second World War, the rulers of the UAE today – these are just some of the examples for this statement.

However, the regime of Aleksandar Vučić is following in Milošević’s footsteps. With the same goal as his predecessor in the 1990s of “solving the Serbian national question”, Vučić adopted a revisionist and aggressive approach in his regional environment. Here too, in comparison to Milošević, an adaptation was made related to the time and circumstances. There are no wars or open use of force, albeit the already mentioned “software” approach is used.

As Januš Bugajski notes, this is a masked pan-Serbian project that is being implemented with patience and flexibility, manipulating the vulnerability of neighbouring states and societies, without directly attacking their formal sovereignty. [6]

The most important actors that Vučić uses for this creeping march on the region are the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), the loyal elites in the neighbouring countries (Dodik in BiH, the Democratic Front in Montenegro) and the media machinery in Serbia itself. Relatively invisible actors such as intelligence services, and perhaps parts of the criminal underworld are usually involved in this kind of subversive activity.





How it works in practice is shown by the rather long time aggression on Montenegro (almost two years) in which the regime media, portals, bots and other means of the digital era are one of the main weapons.

As is the case of treatment of Vučić’s opponents in Serbia, the neighbouring country is being attacked on command through the use of public and private media, brutal propaganda, false news, fictional events, incredible conspiracy theories and the toughest possible vocabulary.

In this (mis)use of the media for regime goals and needs, Vučić has certainly surpassed Milošević, although many (naively) believed that what was done with the media in the 1990s was difficult to repeat.

Cheap and low-level journalism and media that are ready to become just someone’s political megaphones existing in democracies too, but their absolute domination and readiness to follow the ruling elite’s command today’s situation in Serbia alike, are completely unthinkable and unacceptable in a democratic society. This is also one of the safe indicators of what type of regime is at play.

In addition to the permanent maintenance of political instability in BiH and the delay of producing any solution in relations with Kosovo, by the forceful enthronement of the Serbian Metropolitan in Cetinje, Vučić has demonstrated that he is ready for more risky actions.

After the “success” in the Montenegrin capital, he acted smug, victorious, convinced of his power and, like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi, addressed his opponent, the president of another country, with a derogatory “you”, which is the manner of dictators, not democratic politicians.

In doing so he acted as a replica of his predecessor.

While waging wars in the former Yugoslavia, Milošević constantly emphasized that Serbia was not at war, but only defending itself against various opponents, real or imagined, as the propagandistic production of later had never been a problem. A similar, but even more grotesque inversion was launched by Vučić, claiming that he would “defend Serbia from the 30-year aggression of Montenegro” against them!

Politics is full of absurdity, many of them happen in democracies, but there is no such inexhaustible source of all kinds of “believe it or not” miracles such as one can find in authoritarian regimes and their leaders.





As it is the case in domestic politics, Serbia, an EU candidate country, under Vučić`s regime doesn’t care too much about EU values and principles in foreign policy either, nor does Serbia consider itself obliged, as other candidate-countries to aligned its foreign policy with Brussels. Instead, Serbia arms itself from Moscow, and routinely supports Russian occupation of Crimea, as well as human rights violations by China in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

Edward Joseph, lecturer at John Hopkins University in Washington and a Balkan expert, calls this situation a “charade”, and emphasizes that there is an establishment in the Western Balkans of “…a dangerous disequilibrium has been established where the countries that have accepted the Western order receive far more scrutiny over their corruption and ethno-nationalism than the actor that is openly updating Milošević’s 'Greater Serbia', while promoting the authoritarian model aligned with Moscow and Beijing.” [7]

Taking into account that the government in Belgrade is already a consolidated authoritarian regime that has suppressed the start of democratic reforms and created institutions that suits authoritarian government, that after this internal consolidation turned to aggressive revisionist foreign policy in the region of Western Balkans, where Montenegro is one of the main targets of that policy, opens some, we could say, essential questions.

First, what is the EU policy and role in all of this?

One of the main characteristics of the EU is that, other than economic, it is the union of common political values - liberal democracy and the rule of law. In the name of defense of its essential values, the EU more than once has showed its willingness and determination to sanction its members for violation of these values – in 1990 – Austria under the rule of Haider`s ultra-right nationalists, and today Hungary and Poland for its anti – EU, illiberal politics of Orban and Kaczynski.

If EU treated its member states in this way, the question is what is the attitude towards an EU

candidate-country in which, opposite of EU values, an authoritarian regime exercising an aggressive and revisionist policy towards its neighbouring countries in the region and also playing the role of an ally of the West`s geopolitical opponents, has been established.

Until when will the EU, opposite to its values, accept the country with this kind of a regime as a legitimate candidate for the membership in its club, opening and closing chapters for the accession in the EU, without drawing any “red line” about what an EU candidate-country can and cannot do without consequences. The question to raise is also whether maybe the EU`s current approach is one of the causes why the country that is a candidate for the EU has undisturbedly established an authoritarian regime that considers that time has come to achieve by other “means”what Milošević did not succeeded by wars?

Maybe the time has also come for Brussels to consider this questions.




The second and analogous issue concerns NATO, a military-political alliance based on the principle of “all for one, one for all” wherein the member states take this principle seriously.

In the Western Balkans, there is currently a situation in which one of the allied countries has been exposed to more or less open pressure and aggression (albeit for now by hybrid means, without open violence) in a period lasting more than a year and a half by a non-NATO member that is an ally of its authoritarian role models in Moscow and Beijing.

For how long is this situation, that among other things opens the door of the Western Balkans for even greater influence to main geopolitical adversaries of the Alliance, acceptable and for how long can it last without triggering even a diplomatic reaction from NATO member states? As in the case of the EU, is the policy of “non-interference” perhaps one of the reasons why this situation was created at all? Perhaps the time has come for some conclusions to be drawn in the headquarters of the Alliance.

These questions are not rhetorical. They are concerned with stability and democracy in the Western Balkans and its strategic choice between the West and East. Neither the EU nor NATO can expect that the battle for this strategic choice, for the integration of their European backyard into a common Western system can be won without their active engagement and without being ready to defend their values whenever they are threatened.

“Pobjeda” September, 13, 2021


[1] Dušan Pavlović, The political economy behind the gradual demise of democratic institutions in Serbia, in: Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (2019).

[2] Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way, Competitive Authoritarianism. Hybrid regimes after the Cold War (2019).

[3] Andreas Schedler, Electoral Authoritarianism. The dynamics of unfree competition (2016).

[4] Dieter Nohlen, Izborno pravo i stranački sustav (1992).

[5] Dušan Pavlović, The political economy behind the gradual demise of democratic institutions in Serbia, in: Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (2019).

[6] Janusz Bugajski, Balkan na još jednoj istorijskoj raskrsnici, govor na otvaranju Cetinjskih filoloških dana, Portal CdM, 2. 9. 2021.

[7] Edward Joseph, A Way Out of the Balkan Morass: Restoring US Leverage in the Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue, Wilson Center, May 14, 2021.



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