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Press release

Belgrade provoking conflicts

Belgrade, 27 September 2023



The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia must warn that the incursion of the Banjska group into the north of Kosovo is an attempt by Belgrade to provoke conflicts, so that the Serbian army would then enter to protect the Serbian people in the north and thus achieve a division of Kosovo. This intrusion was to be expected considering the behavior of Belgrade during the last few months. The speech given by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić at the United Nations, the increased presence of units of the Serbian Army near the border with Kosovo, street graffiti that read 'When our army returns to Kosovo', which have flooded not only Belgrade, but also other parts of Serbia, are just some of the warning signs leading up to potential attacks such as the one that occurred in Banjska.

Although the culprit in Belgrade, the one who is directly responsible for this attack, remains unknown, Serbia has crossed a red line that the West cannot tolerate. The brutal campaign of dehumanization of the Kosovo Albanians and discrediting the Kosovo leadership, which has been going on since Albin Kurti came to power, has greatly radicalized public opinion in Serbia, thus mobilizing citizens for towards new conflicts. A consensus has almost been created in public opinion, defined not only by the politicians in power and their media, but also by the majority of the academic elite, that Albin Kurti is solely responsible for the breakdown of all negotiations.

The Kosovo Serbs, onto whom President Vučić is trying to shift responsibility, have been his hostages throughout, just as the Serbs in the region had been hostages and subsequently victims of the Milošević regime. If Vučić, as he claims, truly was not aware of what was happening, the question arises as to who is the leading figure in Belgrade. The day of mourning that Serbia declared on the occasion of the murder of three terrorists represents Serbia’s threat not only to Kosovo, but to everyone in the region.

The incursion of the Banjska group into the north of Kosovo is a serious indicator of where things might go and that they might be repeated unless there is a policy reset of the Western international community in the Balkans. We call on the Quint countries to consistently demand from Serbia to implement the already set demands – the introduction of sanctions against Russia and the recognition of Kosovo.



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