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Public debate “Serbia in Russia’s Geostrategic Positioning”

Photo: Vojvodina Media Center | Media & Reform Center Niš

Niš, May 6, 2016 | Novi Sad, May 10, 2016



The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia organized the public debate “Serbia in Russia’s Geostrategic Positioning” in Niš and Novi Sad in May 2016. Authors of the publication “The Warp of the Serbian Identity” published by the Helsinki Committee, spoke about Serbian - Russian historical analogies (Latinka Perović, Milan Subotić), identity policies and Russophilia (Srđan Barišić), the scope of Russia’s soft power in the Balkans (Jelica Kurjak, Milivoj Bešlin), geostrategic priorities and economic cooperation (Dimitrije Boarov) and the Balkans as Russia’s platform for testing the EU (Boris Varga).

“Serbia is still ambivalent about its aims and sense of belonging” said Sonja Biserko adding that “the European Union puts regional cooperation high on the agenda and considers it as one of the main criteria. Historically, geographically and culturally Serbia belongs to this region, which is the framework in which Serbia should build its future.”

Latinka Perović said that “Russia is a mirage for Serbia. We want to join the EU while trying to keep the balance that Yugoslavia successfully preserved but Serbia cannot.” Dimitrije Boarov said that Russian market should not be underestimated as an option for Serbian export, but emphasizing the fact that Russia is generally a country of poor consumers.

The publication “The Warp of the Serbian Identity” and public debates held in Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad are part of the project “Serbian Identity in the 21st Century” implemented by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia with the assistance of the Open Society Foundation – Serbia.























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