Helsinki Charter No. 171-172January - February
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki
Committee for Human Rights |

Helsinki Charter No. 169-170November - December
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki
Committee for Human Rights |

Helsinki Charter No. 167-168September - October
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki
Committee for Human Rights |

Helsinki Charter No. 165-166July - August 2011
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights |

Helsinki Charter No. 163-164May - June 2011
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights |

Helsinki Charter No. 161-162March - April 2011
This issue of the Helsinki Charter has been
financed by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights |