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Challenge History – React for the Future



11 December 2021

Toolkit (65mb) >>>




Education in the Western Balkans has been manipulated for decades with an aim to promote nationalism and negative ethnic stereotypes as well as to construct ethnic myths used to define one nation or ethnic group as superior to another. Despite the progress made in the last years, history textbooks in the region are mainly focused on disparities between ethnic groups, deepening the already existing “us” versus “them” narratives, and contributing to populist techniques and scapegoating and self-victimization fostered by politicians. This “othering” of the different ethnic groups and the dangerous war narratives over the years has led to a drastic increase in prejudices among the youth. The widespread presence of the nationalist propaganda, inability to reconcile with the past and the ongoing ethnic segregation among the youth in the region of Western Balkans results in a low level of civic activism and fewer successful efforts to better neighbouring relationships and foster cooperation between the youth of the Western Balkan societies.

The "Challenge History - React for the Future" summer school, held during August 2021 in Mokrin, Serbia, aimed to address these issues by providing young people from the WB with informal education on the topic of Yugoslav history, human rights violations, historical revisionism and the importance of reconciliation with the past, as well as the opportunity to work together, exchange knowledge, and create a platform for future cooperation.

The Challenge History Summer School was based on four modules consisting of 12 sessions, two sets of workshops, and site and virtual visits to locations of importance for boosting interculturalism and a sense of solidarity with neighbours. In addition, follow-up activities conducted in each of the partners' societies were formatted in line with the Summer School’s topic and agenda and served as additional opportunity to educate participants and encourage them to take on the responsibility of educating their peers themselves.

The Toolkit “Challenge History - React for the Future” consists of comprehensive summaries from educational workshops for challenging history, its goals, participants remarks and potentials for future collaboration and activism, as a result of the expertise engaged, as well as a joint effort and thought-exchange during the Summer School, and it is intended to support and inspire follow-up activities for young peer educators, teachers and facilitators across the region.

The Toolkit can be downloaded here.



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