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Vojvodina's Multiethnic Identity:
Challenges in 2007-08

Edited by Pavel Domonji

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The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights finalized this September the complex, 18-month project "Fostering Vojvodina's Multiethnic Identity." The project, realized with the assistance of the European Commission - EIDHR, was meant to promote intercultural and interethnic understanding, strengthen the role of the civil society in conflict prevention and affirm a proactive minority policy in the ethnically mixed province of Vojvodina.

One of the objectives the Committee hoped to achieve was to utilize Vojvodina's potential as "the most Europe-oriented" part of Serbia and its multiethnic human resources to speed up Serbia's integration into Europe. In this context, the Helsinki Committee assisted in forming the first multiethnic "think tank" that, over four sessions, attempted to outline a new approach to ethno-cultural diversity, i.e. a model for most appropriate political accommodations and reformist strategies for the province.

The edition "Vojvodina's Multiethnic Identity: Challenges in 2007-08" is among the outcomes of that endeavor.

(The book is available in Serbo-Croatian and English)


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