Human Rights Lawyers, copyright (c) 2007.
Vesselina Vandova
(Legal officer, Interights, London)
Elica Grdinić
(lawyer, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
Yonko Grozev
(lawyer, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee)
Jeremy McBride
(professor, Chair of the Board Interights, London)
Ivana Radačić
(PhD Candidate, University College London (UCL), London)
Gregory Thuan
(lawyer, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
Kevin Kitching
(legal officer, Interights, London)
Basak Cali
(professor, University College London (UCL))
Andrea Coomber
(Acting Legal Director, Interights, London)
Maxim Ferschtman
(Attorney at law, BFKW Law Firm, Amsterdam)
Maya Lester
(Barrister at Brick Court Chambers, London)
Čedo Radnić
(lawyer, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
Aida Grgić
(lawyer, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)