As a follow up to the training seminars, Council of Europe organized for the participants the study visit to the European Court of Human Rights from November 6 till November 10, 2006. A five days visit was an excellent opportunity for the group to get familiar with the Court procedures and administration in direct contacts with Court judges and staff from Secretariat. Group also attended a hearing in the J.A.Pye v.UK case before the Grand Chamber.
Agenda of the study visit comprised following topics:
Admissibility criteria (Ms. Anne Austin, Head of Unit, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights)
Third Party Intervention (Mr. John Darcy, Assistant to the Registrar of the ECtHR)
Interim Measures (Mr. Michael O`Boyle, Deputy Registrar of the ECtHR)
The execution of judgments of the European Court (Ms Silvia Grundmann, lawyer, Department for the execution of judgments of the ECtHR, Directorate General of Human Rights)
Just Satisfaction (Mr Peter Kempees, Head of Division, ECtHR)
The Right to Property (Mr Dragoljub Popovic, judge to ECtHR)
Overwiev of cases in respect to Serbia (Mr Branimir Plese, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
Overwiev of cases in respect to Bosnia and Hercegovina (Mr Cedo Radnic, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
Overwiev of cases in respect to Croatia (Ms Aida Grgic, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
The work of a Section (Ms Sally Dolle, Section registrar, Registry of the ECtHR)
Article 11 of the European Convention (Mr Zvonimir Mataga, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
Experience and questions on European Convention on Human Rights (Ms Elica Grdinic, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
Article 6 of the Convention (Mr Gregory Thuan, lawyer, Registry of the ECtHR)
Hearing before the Grand Chamber
A hearing before the Grand Chamber held on November 8, 2006 in the European Court of Human Rights building in Strasbourg in J.A.Pye v. UK case was attended by thegroup of lawyers from Serbia and Montenegro.
The case originated in the application submitted by two United Kingdom companies, J.A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd and J.A. Pye (Oxford) Land Ltd. Application relates to the violation of the Article 1 of Protocol 1 to the Convention, which was found by the European Court judgment of November 15, 2005.
Acting in accordance with the Article 43 of the Convention, the European Court of Human Rights accepted the request of the UK Government to refer the case to the Grand Chamber. Its judgment on the case is pending in 2007.