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INFO   :::  Projects > Archives > Fostering Sandzak's Identity



The project includes a two-day conference in Novi Pazar and publishing of a book of conference proceedings. The conference agenda focuses real life problems plaguing all residents without exception, realistic modes of harnessing the region's potential for overall development and, above all, the necessity to foster Sandzak's multiethnic and multiconfessional identity by its citizens themselves.

As such, the project aims at identifying the real life problems challenging Sandzak citizens regardless of their religious or political affiliations, triggering off the potential of Sandzak's "dormant" intelligentsia and "moderates" for the region's wellbeing, bringing to table representatives of opposing political parties and religious factions, raising public awareness about the necessity to have the Sandzak "time bomb" dismantled by the people living there and at helping local political factors to articulate the region's true interests, instead of allowing the official Belgrade to make decisions on their behalf. The Novi Pazar conference is so planned as to provide realistic guidelines to Serbia's policymakers for more adequate political arrangements for the region, decentralization included.

The project is realized with the assistance of the US Embassy in Belgrade.








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