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INFO   :::  Projects > Archives


Monitoring the Reform of the Prison System - 2014


Civil Society Advocacy for Efficient Protection of Persons with Mental Disorders


Building Bridges, Not Walls – The Role of Universities in Peacebuilding


Monitoring of the Prison System Reform 2012-2013


School of Intercultural Education, Human Rights and Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts


Coming to Grips with Serbia's Ever-present Ideological Matrix II


Promoting a Social Climate Propitious to Transitional Justice and a Culture of Non-Impunity (2010-13)



Prison monitoring and advocacy for vulnerable groups of prisoners
(November 2011 -
February 2012)


Conflict in Numbers: Demographic Expert Reports from ITCY Trials in a Book


Serbia 2008: Human Rights, Democracy and - Violence


Promoting Serbia's Transatlantic Integration (January 1 - December 31, 2011)


Serbia: Resistance to European Option


Grassroots Dialogues in Sandzak: Helping to Bridge Divides and Articulate the Region's True Interests


Capacitating Future Decision Makers: A Regional Program


A Look into the Recent Past



Social Care Institutions in Serbia: Support to the Reform-Oriented Strategy


Enclave People: Subjects Rather than Objects


Campaigning for Serbia's Europeanization and Euro-Atlantic Integration


Activities in Serbia and Euro-Atlantic Integrations


The Helsinki Charter: Promoting Serbia's Europeanization


Pilot Follow-up Prison Monitoring


Fostering Vojvodina's Multiethnic Identity


Encouraging Public Debate on Radicalism in Serbia


Opening a Dialogue on the Recent Past 'within' the Serbian Society


Facing the Truth 2008: The Helsinki Charter


Capacitating Future Decision Makers: A Follow-up Program


Social Care Institutions in Serbia: Support to the Reform-Oriented Strategy


Fostering Sandzak's Identity


Serb-Serb Dialogue in Serb Enclaves in Kosovo


Promoting Anti-Discriminatory Attitudes and Practice


Monitoring the Reform of the Prison System - 2010





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Copyright * Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia - 2008

Web Design * Eksperiment