Public debate within the project "Promoting a Social Climate
Propitious to Transitional Justice and Culture of Non-impunity" realized with the
assistance of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
Smederevo, October 25, 2011.
Editor-in-chief of the Helsinki Charger Seska Stanojlovic was the
first to address the launch in the local Cultural Center. Speaking of the magazine she
reminded that was one of the Committee's most important and longstanding projects realized
for years in cooperation with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. Its analytical contents,
competence and social engagement of the authors writing for it, earned the magazine high
repute both in Serbia and the region, she said.
For more than a decade, said Ms. Stanojlovic, the Charter has been
following Serbia's wavering course towards European Union and supporting the social forces
genuinely committed to this goal that are more often than not in the minority. The
European Commission's opinion that Serbia should obtain EU candidacy by the end of this
year is a major advance in this direction - for, a country's European course becomes
irreversible (regardless of a change in the government) once it obtains EU candidacy and a
date for the beginning of accession negotiations. This is why, said Ms. Stanojlovic, the
conservative, anti-European bloc - with all its power in influence in all spheres - is now
on the offensive. Escalation of the crisis in Kosovo's north is a paradigm of their well
organized and planned campaign: the crisis is in the service of obstructing Serbia's
movement towards Brussels.
In his address Bosko Jaksic, commentator of the Politika daily,
focused on the crisis that was "generated" in Kosovo. Serbia's highest
officials, its government and the President of the Republic, can no longer control local
leaders and other Serb structures in the North. "We've been hostage to Ratko Mladic
for long and now we are hostage to four mayors in North Kosovo," he said, adding that
one cannot but be under the impression that President Tadic deliberately prolongs the
deadlock in the North. Since the election campaign is already in full swing, a resolute
move that would put an end to this unsustainable situation hardly plays into the hands of
the ruling party's concern for ballots. And yet, Boris Tadic will have to react even
before he wants to as further prolongation of the crisis in Kosovo's north seriously
jeopardizes Serbia's EU candidacy to be decided on in early December, said Mr. Jaksic.
Historian Latinka Perovic spoke about the longstanding and
powerful anti-modern - actually anti-European - thought in Serbia, the thought that has
always favored territorial expansion over development. "Serbs have never been happy
with the states they had in modern history - there were unhappy with princedom, they were
unhappy with kingdom, the same as with the 'first' and the 'second' Yugoslavia." That
is why they destroyed the 'second' Yugoslavia in the way they did, she said. Today we are
faced with the effects of that historical wander. Serbia is at crossroads. Whether it will
opt to Europe that is willing to help it, is hard to tell. However, said Ms. Perovic, the
Serbian society is more plural than it might seem: some are genuinely against Europe and
want to see Serbia in the East; others advocate European forms (laws, institutions, etc.)
but would not change the "inner substance" and they make the current that
actually compromises the European idea; and, finally, there is a third bloc, people who
are truly committed to social modernization in line with European standards and values,
and advocate European integrations. This is a crucial moment for Serbia, the same as the
choice it makes will be, concluded Ms. Perovic. |