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A No-Violence Area

Tutin, February 9, 2016


The Novi Pazar-based youth group of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, „The Youth in Action“ staged the performance „A No-Violence Area.“ Young activists wanted to deconstruct the common stereotypes about their fellow citizens. Members of dance and theater troupes from Tutin were performing under the slogans „Diversity makes us rich“ and “Preserve the differences, they connect us!”

The Helsinki Committee previously held a youth seminar in Tutin. Sociologist Srđan Barišić and human rights activist and workshop leader Demir Mekić spoke about countering extremist ideologies in the local community and youth activism. Seminar participants emphasized peer violence as one of the greatest problems plaguing their community and addressed in this context the role of school police officers. Having identified high unemployment rate among the local youth as a pressing issue, seminar participants concluded that “the youth can make all the changes they need if they truly want to.”

The youth seminar and the public event were organized within the project “Reach out Sandzak II” implemented with the assistance from the US Embassy, Belgrade.


























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